

Code created after 2013 has been added to github:
My personal github page.
MAVLab github page.

Code before 2013 is directly accessible via this site:
Disclaimer: The code and data on this site are provided by the author without any warranty: the author is not responsible for any damage as a result from errors in the software. You can use, modify, and redistribute the code, but only for non-commercial purposes and as long as the original source is mentioned in the pre-amble of the code and in the README-file. If you use the code for academic purposes, it is appreciated that you refer to the companion articles in your paper. The details of these articles (and many of their pdfs) can be downloaded at the publications page.

Of course the code has been made with care, but if you find any errors, you are welcome to inform me at: g.c.h.e.decroon [at]


  1. Computationally efficient texton method (MATLAB scripts). Companion code to the article: (2010), de Croon, G.C.H.E., de Weerdt. E., De Wagter, C., Remes, B.D.W. “The appearance variation cue for obstacle avoidance.”, in the IEEE conference on Robotics and Biomimetics 2010 (ROBIO 2010).  For an explanation of how to run the code, please read the “README.txt” file.
  2.  Decision trees for sky segmentation (WEKA format). Used in the article: (2011), de Croon, G.C.H.E., De Wagter, C., Remes, B.D.W., Ruijsink, R., “Sky Segmentation Approach to Obstacle Avoidance.”, in the IEEE Aerospace Conference 2011. Related MATLAB-code and C-code can be found below.
  3. A computationally efficient method for noise detection in images (MATLAB scripts). Used in the article: (accepted), de Croon, G.C.H.E., De Wagter, C., Remes, B.D.W., Ruijsink, R., “Sub-sampling: Real-time Vision for Micro Air Vehicles.”
  4. A computationally efficient method for horizon detection in images (MATLAB scripts). Used in the article: (accepted), de Croon, G.C.H.E., De Wagter, C., Remes, B.D.W., Ruijsink, R., “Sub-sampling: Real-time Vision for Micro Air Vehicles.”
  5. Efficient algorithms for segmenting images in sky / non-sky regions – and using it for horizon detection / obstacle avoidance (C-code for Surveyor BlackFin DSP). Used in the articles: (2011), de Croon, G.C.H.E., De Wagter, C., Remes, B.D.W., Ruijsink, R., “Sky Segmentation Approach to Obstacle Avoidance.”, in the IEEE Aerospace Conference 2011, and (accepted), de Croon, G.C.H.E., De Wagter, C., Remes, B.D.W., Ruijsink, R., “Sub-sampling: Real-time Vision for Micro Air Vehicles.”

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Because I am curious to see who is using the code made available on this site, I would appreciate it if you fill out your name, affiliation, and country before downloading the code.



